Monday, October 03, 2005


Welcome to Tips, Shortcuts and Daily "advice".

I use the term "advice" loosely.....who am I to give advice. Maybe I should have used the term opinion. Ah, whatever.
I thought it might be neat to publish some tips and shortcuts that help me get through my own hectic days and to see what timesavers others may have put into place.
As the mother of a four year old, one whom is non-stop to the point of being ALMOST hyper-active, a part-time administrator for a car dealership, an independent consultant, a wife, a house-keeper, a maid, a cook, a financial "expert", etc. ( I could go on, but do I really need to? ) I've found that every minute saved is heaven sent and precious.

And to show you why it is that I have decided to implement shortcuts instead of physical harm, to myself or others,
I daughter.

I chose this picture as proof, to those who know her, that she REALLY does sleep...................on OCCASSION!!!!

But, she is beautiful, intelligent and the MOST amazing thing in my life.

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