Thursday, February 23, 2006

Correct Application of Eye Cream

I've noticed from talking with women, through both day to day
activities and my presentations, that most women do not correctly apply
eye cream.
In order to achieve maximum results from your eye cream, application
should be made in the following manner.
1) A SMALL amount should be applied below the lower lid,
on the lower eye socket bone and gently massaged to
with the fingertip to the outermost corner of the eye.
2) Another small amount should be applied directly under the
eyebrow on the upper eye socket bone and massaged with
the fingertip from the outermost corner of the eye to
the innermost corner of the eye.
Applying your eye cream in this manner will improve the appearance of
the ENTIRE eye area as well as aid in "shadowing" and/or dark circles
below the lower lid from the inner most corner of the eye.

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