Thursday, February 07, 2008

Cleaning "Green"

My nephew and his girlfriend are an "organic living" couple so I had a hard time this past Christmas finding the "perfect" gift for them......until I saw Oprah's holiday show.

This year, Oprah suggested for those that are looking to lead a "greener" life to try Shaklee's Cleaning products.

Great idea! So I visited the Shaklee website and ordered some products and from what my sister-in-law reports, it was greatly received!

This got me curious, so after the holidays I ordered some of the products to try for myself. and I have to say, I'm quite impressed.

It is absolutely amazing that 2 or 3 drops of cleaner diluted in 16 oz of water could clean glass just a good or better than Windex. The germ disinfecting wipes clean more than your average Lysol wipe and have a very light, clean scent. My favorite by far......the dishwashing detergent.

Normally, I shy away from powder dishwashing detergent because it never seems to COMPLETELY dissolve, but Shaklee's dishwashing detergent not only COMPLETELY DISSOLVES, it leaves absolutely no residue on my glassware and you only need to use a one scoop to clean a whole load.

To learn more about Shaklee's Get Clean Home Products, visit thier website at:

and let me know what you think of the products!


Catherine said...

I think it's great that you're talking about green cleaning products. It's so important that we keep our households free of toxic chemicals. There's a great summary of which toxins are in "traditional" home cleaners here: Pretty scary stuff!

lil10624 said...


I have to tell you, I began using the Shaklee products out of sheer curiosity and I was so impressed with their performance I'm still using them.

I think most people are skeptical, as I was, that the products won't do as good a job as traditional cleaners.