Friday, January 26, 2007

Scrubbing Bubbles????

If you're a "regular" visit here, I'm sure by now that you have ascertained that I ADORE products that aid and/or cut down cleaning time. People tell me I have OCD, but I just like to have my house never know who'll
Now, keeping in mind my love of helpful products, I purchased the "Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner".
How well does it work?
Well, due to my vertically challenged stature, cleaning the shower is my most dreaded task. I've tried standing on stools in order to reach and have almost wound up with my head cracked, so I gave this one a try.
It does an O.K. job, but in my opinion, it's more of a head start than a solution. You still need to get in there and scrub the higher tiles.....the worst task of all for me.....but it does keep my shower doors relatively clean.
I say buy the "Mr. Clean Reach" and some soft scrub.

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